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Corporate Culture

‘ITOPSMEN’ strive to be the best.

  • We do not dismiss new improvement ideas prematurely.
  • We maintain a learning mindset and continuously strive to excel in our fields.
  • We do not cling to past successes but actively seek innovative solutions.

‘ITOPSMEN’ rise from failure and embrace new challenges.

  • We are not afraid of failures in new initiatives.
  • We analyze the causes of failure and transform them into knowledge for success.
  • When a failure occurs, we try to prevent it from happening again rather than criticize it.

Results-Oriented Meetings at ITOPS.

  • Meetings start and end at scheduled times.
  • Only essential personnel attend, ensuring that the appropriate decision-makers are present.
  • Each meeting concludes with a clear definition of follow-up actions, and minutes are shared with all participants.

‘ITOPSMEN’ provide clear instructions and concise reports.

  • Instructions are provided (requested) clearly, adhering to the 3Ws (Why, When, What), with regular progress checks.
  • Reports are not created for the sake of reporting; we focus on meaningful content.
  • All communications are fact-based, ensuring accuracy and reliability in our reporting.

At ITOPS, our approval process respects everyone’s time.

  • We share the criteria for approval in advance.
  • When requesting approvals, we consider the time required for task completion (no last-minute requests).
  • In cases of differing opinions on approval matters, we provide precise feedback.

‘ITOPSMEN’ believe that we are the final authority on this task.

  • When making decisions, we proactively propose alternatives rather than deferring to my superiors.
  • We always remember that we are the final line of responsibility for all tasks.
  • Instead of focusing on reasons why something cannot be done, we seek solutions that are possible.

‘ITOPSMEN’ create results through action.

  • One execution is more important than ten plans.
  • Every task must yield tangible outcomes.
  • Execution does not end with taking actions; it includes reflecting feedback into future actions.

At ITOPS, our opinions are not evaluated by rank.

  • We do not criticize others without considering their perspectives, even if we disagree.
  • We respect and consider each other’s personal time (after work and during vacations)..
  • We do not wield authority based on age or position.

At ITOPS, communication is about sharing hearts and minds.

  • Praise is given immediately, while constructive feedback is provided separately and later.
  • Leaders listen to their team members' opinions before expressing their own.
  • We encourage the ITOPS 1.3.5 principle: Engage in conversations with colleagues three times a day for five minutes each.

‘ITOPSMEN’ prepare for a better tomorrow.

  • Identifying new growth drivers is a shared concern for all ITOPS team members.
  • When facing tasks with ambiguous guidelines, profitability serves as the primary criterion for decision-making.
  • We eliminate inefficiencies and waste in our work processes.

‘ITOPSMEN’ mean ‘MEN’ not just ‘MAN’

  • We prioritize departmental and organizational goals over individual interests.
  • While clearly defining roles and responsibilities between departments, we do not shift accountability onto one another.
  • When we recognize that someone is facing difficulties, we proactively offer our assistance.